July 31, 2011

2011 2nd Quarter MCA-Industry Statistics

Given the young age of the Merchant Cash Advance product, it is very difficult to come up with industry statistics. There are no public companies that offer the product, so data is limited to self-reporting, legal filings, etc. American Finance Solutions believes that those who provide estimates are mostly taking a shot in the dark.

One source that does seem to have a decent handle on the industry is Merchant Cash Advance Resource. Personally we would consider this the best estimate for volume of total MCA business being reported. Basically the best "guesstimate" that we know of.

For the 2nd Quarter 2011, they are reporting approximately $128M in total fundings for the quarter with a total of over $257M in fundings for the first six-months of 2011. Note: American Finance Solutions is not endorsing these numbers or know the source.

One area that appears to be is the most active firms section. I believe they are listing the actual number of fundings not the total dollar amount when ranking funding companies. Definitely Advanceme is the 800-pound gorilla, however data on all other firms is very minimal with most closely guarding their data.

You can view the 2011 2nd Quarter Merchant Cash Advance Statistics by clicking here.